Tips & Tricks For An Effective New Year


Okay, so here's the skinny on how I like to approach a New Year, which has been effective for me since my early 20's.


Themes help to give you an overview of what your focus will be on for moving towards your day-to-day tasks, weekly accomplishments, and monthly goals. Your theme is your MAIN GOAL, then every task, accomplishment, and intentional choices for your days, weeks, & months, move you towards what you want to have done by the end of the year.


Your goals, the tasks you want to get done, & the things you want to accomplish CANNOT STAY IN YOUR HEAD. You need to get it out on paper. You write things down, you get things done. Personally, I use an A5 & A6 functional planner which I've invested in so that the interior is beautiful, feels amazing to the touch as they are full grain leather, but most importantly- helps to move my days forward. When you find & invest in a system that works for you, is specific to your wants & needs, and is enjoyable- you will utilize it as a necessary tool.


Yes. Cleanliness is next to Godliness-- and its also better for your mental health and wellbeing. Nothing makes us feel more unmotivated than coming home to clutter. When you are not able to relax in your own space, you will not be able to relax anywhere else. In addition, if you cannot MASTER YOUR OWN SPACE, you will not effectively master your routine, in order to reach your goals. Prioritize tidying up your surroundings, & make it part of your day-to-day tasks. A little a day goes a long way.


You need to surround yourself with like minded people, & with people who are further along than you. Gone are the days where its considered cool to act too cool to care about anything. You care about things, & you need to want the people you spend time with to care about things, too. Being passionate is attractive to those who have and WANT TO SHARE. Becoming an expert in what you care about creates opportunity. Make a habit of finding opportunities to speak/write about your profession or trade in order to be resourceful to others. Then, make a practice of sharing those opportunities often- as these accomplishments will attract more opportunities-- from those who care, who have and want to share.


Don't forget to appreciate and honor the little things. Every bit of work, no matter how insignificant it seems- no matter if no one sees you win- MATTERS. Whether you accomplish the task of cleaning your room or reach the goal of finishing a book necessary for career or personal growth-- you gotta take the wins. They add up, & are the god in the details of what makes a rich, well rounded journey. The accomplishments behind the small wins, also serves your theme & hitting your main goals for the year. Small steps are still steps, and every step counts.

Well, there you have it! These are my tips & tricks for you to shift that mindset, shake off the past, and enter into the NEW!!!

I hope you have a blessed, safe, & elegant New Year.

~ T

Thalia Longchamp is a Christian Counselor and CBT Practitioner in New York, NY specializing in grounding any overwhelming emotional, psychological, and spiritual experiences for her clients. Her office is located in Manhattan.


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