A mental health practice rooted in faith.
Connecting you with the work
What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?
CBT is a form of talk therapy that aims to help individuals identify and change destructive and disturbing thought patterns which negatively effects emotions and behaviors.
Who is Jesus?
God, who was so saddened by humanity’s brokenness and disconnection from Him, decided that we needed to be saved. In order for this to happen, God became a man whose name was Jesus. Jesus is God made manifest, the Son of God, Savior and Redeemer for humanity’s sinful nature. Jesus is fully God and fully human. Jesus lived an ordinary life distinguished by the fact that He lived without sin and served God perfectly. Despite His perfect life, Jesus was condemned, took the punishment for sin which we deserved, was crucified and died on the cross. Jesus being God knew all this would happen to Him yet still chose to give up His life, paying the price for our sin— because He loves us. However, Jesus proved that death had no hold over Him when he rose on the third day and ascended into Heaven. Jesus is salvation, the word of God made manifest, and our eternal lover and peace through the Holy Spirit.
Why Spirituality and Mental Health?
While receiving help and assistance for mental health is vital to the wellbeing of an individual- including the lives they touch- it is not enough, because we are more than just our minds. Human beings have a soul, and that soul needs to be saved and protected which is accomplished by us glorifying Gods name. With combining mental health and spiritual health, we learn to harness our discernment between what is good for us and what isn’t from a cognitive perspective as well as from a Christ centered faith.
"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life."
— Jesus Christ (John 14:6)
Do I have to be Christian to become a client?
Absolutely not! All are welcome to become clients and to enjoy a free consultation with me, despite your denomination or belief system. However, because my work is based on the Christian faith, I will hold sessions through the lens of a Christian world view- calling your attention to how the secular world and culture may be effecting your mental health and life thus far- negatively or otherwise.
What if I don’t believe in God?
So long as you are open to what sessions have to offer you, you may leave surprised and with more tools than you would have though possible for yourself. Christianity is not a cult, nor is Jesus its leader. Having a relationsip with Jesus actually invites questions, skepticism, and even defensiveness- all of which makes His revelation to you that much more of a miracle.
Do I have to convert to continue receiving services?
Nope! If you are benefitting from my work with you, thats all that matters to me. Because the work I do is Christ centered, the Holy Spirit will begin to intercede and show up in your life through prayer at the end of sessions, and by considering Jesus during sessions. God pursues all of us throughout our lives, no matter how far we run from Him— because He loves us, and loved us before we were even born. How God becomes more evident in your life wont depend on you giving your life to Him. Eventually, surrendering to Jesus will be the natural result— but more on that later.